Misterioso tesoro hundido del siglo II a.C.

In just one night, an entire most developed civilization was submerged in the depths of the ocean, leaving humans with a huge question mark that has yet to be explored.

Found traces of Atlantis?

According to the Daily Star, Scott C. Waring – a UFO enthusiast recently discovered a strange object with a length of up to 5 miles (more than 8km) on the seabed using the Google Earth tool. This person said that the structure and shape of this object is very similar to the lost city of Atlantis.


Scott C. Waring posted this strange object image on his blog to share with other enthusiasts. Scott C. Waring also described the object as perfectly round. He thinks that the strange object is located quite close to the Nazca desert in Peru, which is famous for its giant drawings on the ground that scientists have named the Nazca line.


It is known that the Nazca lines are patterns created by many shallow incisions that reveal layers of sediment of different colors. These Nazca lines are a collection of many drawings of animals. They were first spotted from above in 1939 when a pilot happened to fly over the area. Initially, they were buried deep under the sandy soil, after being blown away by strong winds, the sand was revealed.

According to scientists, the Nazca lines were created between 200 BC and 600 AD. With a scale stretching to more than 80 km, the Nazca road was recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1994. Currently, archaeologists still cannot explain why the Nazca people created these giant drawings. this giant.

Scott C. Waring believes these Nazca lines are related to the strange object he found on the seabed. And it is also related to the mysterious disappearance of the city of Atlantis.


He emphasized: “I think this strange object has a round shape quite similar to the ancient dome structure of Atlantis. This island nation existed about 9,000 years ago and mysteriously disappeared. But I think Atlantis is in fact an alien spaceship. And the circular object on the bottom of the sea is evidence of aliens and possibly the legendary city of Atlantis itself.”

The city of Atlantis was first mentioned by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato more than 2,300 years ago. To this day, Atlantis is still lying somewhere, and has not been found by humans.

Civilization was wiped out in one night

The origin of the story of Atlantis as mentioned above comes from the Greek philosopher Plato (circa 424 to 328 BC). According to National Geographic, the story of Atlantis was mentioned by Plato in Timaeus and Critias. In it, he uses the form of dialogue between Socrates, Timaeus, Critias and Hermocrates to give a thorough perspective of the world in which we live, describing a universe consisting of four elements earth, air, fire and earth. Water combines to create existence for all things. In particular, Atlantis was an important topic in these conversations.

Atlantis was described by Plato as a large island that existed 9,000 years before his birth. Critias’ grandfather, after being told the story of Atlantis by the sage Solon, told him.


Atlantis is protected by the Greek god of the sea, Poseidon. Plato’s description in the book shows that the island was larger than both Libya and Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey) combined and was located in the Atlantic Ocean, outside the “Pillar of Hercules”, the Strait of Gibralta today. .

Poseidon traveled the world in search of the largest island until he found Atlantis, inhabited by the most beautiful and intelligent people. Here, the god fell in love with Cleito. To protect his lover, Poseidon placed the city on top of an isolated hill in the middle of the sea and named it Atlantis.


Cleito’s house in the city of Atlantis is surrounded by 5 rings of water and 5 tunnels containing ships. The large outer canal connects the water rings to the ocean. All routes to the city are guarded by gates and towers. The enclosing wall is built of red, white, and black stone and decorated with precious metals.

Cleito had 5 pairs of twin sons with Poseidon. The first child was named Atlas. The children inherited the great city and Atlas became the first ruler of Atlantis. They also built a huge temple for his father with a statue of Poseidon riding a giant chariot, moved by winged horses. The statue is built of gold, placed in a temple with a spiral roof reaching to the blue clouds.


The city of Atlantis is full of favorable conditions in terms of both weather and terrain. Thanks to that, Atlantis had a remarkable civilization with incredible development. The army of this city is extremely powerful, especially in terms of its ability to fight at sea. They went and occupied many large areas. In Africa, the army of Atlantis reached even Egypt, and in Europe, they conquered a vast land extending to Tyrrhenia (modern-day central Italy).

However, the history of Atlantis could not last long. In just one night, in 9600 BC, a great flood accompanied by a devastating earthquake caused the entire island to be submerged into the deep ocean and disappeared forever. It is the disappearance without a trace of a vast stronghold and its civilization that has raised many questions for humans.

Theories about myths under the ocean

The story of a large island with a powerful empire suddenly collapsing and disappearing seems like a fantasy, from which many theories have emerged from experts around the world.

One of the most convincing theories about the existence of Atlantis is the view of ocean explorer Robert Ballard. He found logic in the story because of the similarities with the massive volcanic eruption on the island of Santorini in the Aegean Sea near Greece.

About 4,000 years ago, this place witnessed the existence of a prosperous civilization named Minoan. The Minoans have many similarities with the inhabitants of Atlantis. They flourished and existed almost at the same time as Atlantis as described by Plato.


However, a volcanic eruption wiped out this civilization. Today, the island of Santorini is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Greece. But whether it is the ancient Atlantis or not is still no one can say. Not everyone has a scientific explanation like the Minoan civilization hypothesis.

In 1970, another odd theory emerged. The famous American linguist Charles Berlitz, famous for his books on paranormal phenomena, hypothesized that Atlantis was swallowed up by the Bermuda “Demon’s Triangle”. The Bermuda Triangle is also located on the Atlantic Ocean and is an area famous for the events of ships and planes missing when entering here.


He suggested that the Bermuda triangle had swallowed those vehicles, and that Atlantis suffered a similar fate. However, Bermunda is in fact very far from the Strait of Gibralta, where Plato claims the location of Atlantis. So scientists rejected this idea of ​​Berlitz. However, according to the Daily Star, conspiracy theorists still believe in this.

In general, people over thousands of years have always been curious and intrigued by this half-false and half-real story. Is Atlantis really a civilization or just a fictional city in the imagination of the philosopher, Plato also really succeeded in creating a legendary Atlantis.

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